COFFEE BREAK with… Tamara Gee, Associate Director
Coffee Break with… is a Christie & Co series showcasing the brilliance, expertise, and diversity of our network of over 200 employees.

When did you join Christie & Co?
November 2013.
Where were you when you accepted your role at Christie & Co?
At the Hedgehog pub in Lichfield where I had my third and final interview with Lee Howard.
What was your first job?
My first job was a weekend job whilst I was still at school, working for the NAAFI in Germany (Navy, Army and Air Force Institute).
Can you tell us a bit about your job at Christie & Co?
I currently work within the Healthcare Team based out of Christie & Co's Birmingham office, providing disposal and acquisition advice to independent and corporate clients on single assets and portfolios.
What’s your favourite thing about Christie & Co?
The longevity of staff working for the company, I feel part of C&C.
If you had to pick a favourite project that you’ve worked on at Christie & Co so far, what would it be?
The sale of 23 HC-One Units across the country which allowed me to get to know a variety of buyers, specialising in lots of different categories of care.
What’s been the biggest challenge of your career so far?
Working during a pandemic after returning from maternity leave and not knowing what working life would look like
What’s been a highlight of your career so far?
Being promoted to Associate Director in 2018 after my first son was born.
How has the industry changed since you started at Christie & Co?
- Demand for nurses has increased since it has become more difficult to employ staff from abroad, increasing agency fees across nursing homes.
- Supported Living has become more in demand as well as appetite for specialist mental health homes.
- The LD sector was advised that new units could only be registered for up to 10 beds.
- Room sizes within new care homes should ideally be 14-16 sqm with en-suite facilities.
- CQC guidelines have changed, and ratings are now based on a traffic light style system within five different categories which has really shaken up the sector and caused a lot of operators to re-invest in their businesses.
Who in your industry do you feel most inspired by?
Lee Howard, he has taught me everything I know about the sector.
Tell us a bit about your life outside work – what are your hobbies?
I have a very busy life which is run by my two boys who are under the age of two and a half, so most of my spare time is spent with them. We love the outdoors and to go for lots of walks, play in playparks and go on little bike rides. For me personally, I love running and would love to take part in a half marathon as soon as we get back to some kind of normality.
What’s your hometown? Where do you live now?
My hometown is Hameln, Germany (famous for its well-known story about the Pied Piper). I now live in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, where I have lived for the last 14 years.
Where’s the best place you’ve been on holiday?
Koh Phi Phi Island (Thailand) swimming with Plankton.
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
People chewing loudly when they eat.
If you could live and work in any city, where would you go?
What would be your desert island meal?
I’m not a fan of starters so would go straight on to the main course: Thai Green Curry with Coconut Rice and a Chang Beer. Dessert would be Pistachio Ice cream and a Limoncello.
What’s your favourite film?
The Holiday.
What is your favourite movie quote? ‘ABC – Always Be Closing’ from the movie Glengarry Glen Ross - when I had my very first estate agency job my boss at the time taught me to always be closing and made me watch the film, it’s always stuck in my head since then.
What is one thing on your bucket list?
To climb Machu Picchu with my husband when we turn 40.
What is your biggest fear?
What news source do you read every day?
BBC News.
What’s your social media platform of choice?