Looking to sell your dental practice? The devil is in the detail
Paul Graham explores the current dental practice sales market and lists the questions sellers should now ask before selling their practice.

The dentistry sector has one of the most complex and strict regulatory frameworks. This means that buying or selling a dental practice can sometimes feel like a labyrinth of hurdles.
However, with the right advisers and support, it doesn’t need to be that way.
Current Buyer Demand
Established corporate buyers, typically with private equity (PE) backing, are trying to fulfil their ambitious buy and build targets. However, they face stiff competition from independently-owned dental groups, which are trying to grow to platform size to eventually become suitable for future PE backing themselves. This buyer profile is dominating the higher end of the market at present.
One of the fascinating aspects of the market at the moment is seeing the number of new entrants looking to build groups. For sellers of larger dental practices, the choice of buyer has never been so varied.
We are also seeing a reinvigorated appetite from independents and first-time buyers purchasing their own practices. This is not a new trend by any means. However it’s a surge in activity the pandemic is emphasising. Associates are seeking income security through practice ownership, often well supported by major high-street banks.
Put simply, there are more buyers for practices than ever before.
To read the full article on Dentistry, click here.