Scottish dental market - demand and supply
Across all medical sectors, demand continues to outstrip supply and prices have generally increased due to an undersupply of quality stock. Demand is coming from all groups of buyers including first time buyers, expanding multiples and corporates.

Bank funding is still relatively easy to obtain for experienced operators with a solid business plan and there is a huge amount of third party investment, typically from the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad”. Private equity is circling all medical sectors, though so far this has translated into more interest rather than actual deals. All types of investors are attracted by the monopoly income that the NHS funded Dental sector offers.
The Dental sector is extremely buoyant, with Christie & Co arranging an average of 12 viewings on every practice offered to the market. 80% of what we sell goes for above asking price, showing the appetite amongst buyers and the current imbalance of supply and demand. Our prediction last year that the private dentistry market would see more activity this year has proven to be correct, as many buyers are priced out of the NHS sector and have turned to higher risk, but lower priced business opportunities.
All the signs are that 2016 will be another busy year with no apparent let up in demand for dental businesses of all types
Christie & Co has been providing dental professionals with expert business advice for over 80 years, with specialists located across the whole of the UK and the advantage of a national database of buyers.
Should you be interested in taking advantage of the current market situation, but are unsure of the best course of action, it would be prudent for you to enlist the services of trusted business specialists who can guide you through the process. With Christie & Co’s assistance you will be able to capitalise on the strength of the current market and achieve your future plans.