16 Pharmacies For Sale Across The Midlands and The South East
As part of the ongoing Project Echo, we are pleased to offer for sale an additional eight pharmacies, located across the West Midlands, North, North West and North East.
To register and view further details, please visit: projectecho-christie.com.

The Client
In March 2020, Christie & Co was appointed by Boots UK to manage the sale of 44 pharmacies located across England and Wales, creating an exciting opportunity for first-time buyers and independent pharmacists to purchase pharmacies previously operated by Boots UK.
The Request
The pharmacies put up for sale formed part of Boots UK’s plans announced in June 2019 to consolidate or close c. 200 stores in 2020. Christie & Co was initially engaged by Boots UK to market 44 pharmacies by way of asset sales, with various dispensing volumes and based in different locations across the UK.
The Solution
Using our extensive experience of portfolio sales, the pharmacies were widely marketed through a bespoke data site - https://www.projectecho-christie.com/, alongside targeted campaigns to prospective buyers, organic social media activity, media activity and paid advertising campaigns.
The Results
All the pharmacies have been successfully sold, with many of the sites funded by our colleagues at Christie Finance. In addition to this, a further eight sites were added to the portfolio in August 2021. These pharmacies are located across the West Midlands, North, North West and North East. All eight pharmacies are now currently under offer.