What does the CQC's new infection control metric mean?
The Care Quality Commission recently announced plans to add a new infection control metric to its reporting.

The metric looks at how well staff and people living in care homes are protected by infection prevention and control (IPC).
But what does this mean for care homes and their operators?
Simon Harvey, Senior Director, Christie & Co, comments:
“This metric will highlight the exceptional work done by care home providers to quash infection, especially during this second peak in the Covid-19 pandemic. It is also likely to provide reassurance to residents, their families and other stakeholders that the home is a safe space and is properly equipped to handle infections should they enter the vicinity.
“However, the metric is yet more compliance that is being put on providers, at a time when they are already stretched and, whilst they will all want to do the best they can against these ratings, if they have not had sufficient time to put in place their own measures, they may be unfairly rated. But, if implemented properly, this measure could further drive up care home quality and bring it to a level which makes all involved feel safe and at ease.
“As with anything, there will inevitably be some teething problems here, and the metric needs to be appropriately implemented so as to add value to the setting and not become an inconsistent measure which is open to interpretation or down to the subjectivity of the inspector, and one which might unfairly impact bank lending, valuations and demand for some care homes."
For more information on the measures implemented by the CQC, click here.